Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Ben and I were lucky enough to take a week long vacation to New Orleans. We left Marley in the very capable hands of her grandma's and her auntie and we set off. In planning our trip we realized that we've never been on a 'big' vacation together when it was just us. We've been up north together but if we've actually gotten on a plane and gone somewhere for more than a few days it was always with family. Which of course we love, but just the two of us was something different.
So, in the weeks and days that led up to our departure my hands were always busy making lists :) I LOVE a good list. I made them for the grandma's (which I'm sure they didn't use) and for Auntie (it might have been more helpful for her ... and she's better at following the 'marley rules' haha). I made them for my cousin Mike who was staying at our house and watching the dogs. And, of course, I made them for us. Most important on my mental list: Dont lose your mind when you have to leave your baby for the first time....It pretty much worked. We dropped Mimi off and I only teared up when we were in the car and pulling away. And, aside from a small panic attack while taking off in the plane...I did pretty good.
A few memorable moments from our trip would include:
Almost missing out plane in the first place. Yup. We got to the airport on time and took a seat at the bar close to our gate. I could see them loading but didn't think much of it as I HATE getting on a plane and then just sitting there. BUuuuuut soon they were calling our names over the loud speaker and I knew we were in trouble. Whoops.
Soon we were in NOLA and it was GLORIOUS! A little cold on the first day but we didn't care. We went out exploring that first night and made it back fairly early. We were, after all, in a big city that we've never been and had heard a LOT about the crime.
We spent our 7 days enjoying the sun. The high was right around 75 everyday and it was sunny and wonderful. We ate ... like ... all the time. We drank ... not as much as we ate but close. We took naps and slept in. We ordered take out and just stayed in the room a few nights. We did whatever we wanted to do because we could ! I missed Marley terribly and by the end of the trip both Ben and I were ready to get home and see our little peanut.
I will admit that I was scared at first ... it had been a long time since Ben and I had spent any amount of alone time together ... what would we do? Would he get bored? Would he wish he was with someone else down there? But we had so much fun. Even just sitting in our room and watching tv at night. It was so nice and really so needed for us to get back in touch with 'us.' We said maybe next year we'd take a family friendly trip so lil miss Mimi can come along too. But I think some adult only vacations will def. be in our future as well. Here are some quick pics from our trip.
The cathedral in Jackson Square - We spent a lot of time down there

From one of the cemetaries that we visited

We made it! Our first night on Bourbon

Storms a comin!

One more from the above ground cemetaries


  1. So glad you guys had a good time. Adult vacations/getaways are a must. Frankie and I have started talking about where and what we want to do next year for our 10 year anniversary... I promise it will be kid free as I know we could use some "us" time! Love the pictures... some day I will get over to New Orleans!

    1. It was really fun! The food was amazing, I think we really spent the bulk of our money on eating! I had forgotten what it felt like to have nothing to do. Even when we are at home without Marley there are things that need to be done, cleaned up etc. Staying in a hotel we had maids for that! haha.
