Friday, March 8, 2013

Armpit air got you down?

So if you go back a few posts you'll see that I was given botox for Christmas (amazing by the way). So it's only appropriate that I received laser hair removal for my birthday. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself and made my first appointment right away. I could choose between upper lip, underarms or basic bikini.  I chose underarms with the knowledge that I would probably start lasering all my hair off if I liked it.
Saturday was the day. Yah! I went in and after a brief explanation of what would happen laid down on the table for my first laser treatment. I'd heard that it feels like a rubberband snapping your skin. And the tech did say that there are machines out there like that. BUT they have the latest and greatest and the only thing I would feel is the wand heating up. She did tell me that it can get kind of hot so if it does to just let her know. It got warm feeling but thats about it and fifteen minutes later I was done with my first session. Hopefully in two more sessions I will be hair free :)
If you are thinking about it and have the extra money, I'd say it's totally worth it.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

One year old

Well Marley Lou you are one year old today. Where has all that time gone? It seems like yesterday that your daddy and I brought you home from the hosptital not have a CLUE as to what our life was about to be like. haha. The second or third night that we got you home you cried for about 4 hours straight and all I could do was try to comfort you and hold you and wonder what the hell was making you cry for so F ing long! hahaha.

Somehow you've gone from this beautiful little baby
To this big girl who eats normal people food and gives loves and kisses all by herself.

Where did my lil baby go? Here are some of the amazing and wonderful things that you have been doing to amaze me lately.
-You listen! - When I say 'Marley come here and lay down so I can change your diaper' you do it ! I'm pretty sure you are a baby genious.
-You laugh at things when they are funny - If Ben and I are laughing you laugh too. I love that.
-You still scrunch your little button nose up and make a funny face. Something that you've been doing forever.
-You play hide and seek. OK you play 'I hide and Marley finds me' but still! It's pretty awesome.
-You know which dog is Mack and which dog is Dempsey and you know which toy Mack likes. AND you even share it with him. :)
-You give kisses and loves and have really learned to love cuddling. At night time you sit on my lap and turn the pages of your na na night book.
-Your personality is really starting to shine and we've learned that some little baby does NOT like to be told no. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You might look like daddy, but you are alllll momma :)

Mostly you are truley the light in our lives. And I feel like our lives are more full and rewarding because we have you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Marley's birth story - one year later

Well I didn't have a blog when I had Marley and since her first birthday is tomorrow (I'm already tearing up) I thought now was as good of time as ever to remember her birth.
My midwife forwarned me that most first pregnancy's are going to be around 42 weeks rather than 40. SO with that in mind I figured our lil peanut wouldn't be coming early. And I really didn't mind. I had a great pregnancy with marley and felt really good the whole way through. Towards the end it got hard to sleep and the fact that I couldnt move without my big belly running into something got a little annoying but other than that I loved being pregnant. My due date came and went and an induction was set. We hoped hoped hoped over the weekend she'd come on her own BUT it didn't happen.

Sunday night Ben and I packed up and headed to Woodbury for a light dinner and check in at the hospital. Ben stayed till about 8 and then went on home to stay with the puppies. They were giving me cervidel (to hopefully help kick start my labor) and some sleeping meds so there really wasn't any reason for him to stay. We were assured that most new moms push for a minimum of 3 hours so even if I woke up at 9cm Ben would have plenty of time to get back to the hospital. At some point in the night the cervidel was too much for lil Marley so they took it out. And by the time I woke up the next morning and they got the pitocin started I was already dilated and things were moving right along. Soon Ben and my mom showed up and I was already 5 cm. Marley wasn't doing great with the contractions which meant a lot of monitors for me and the babes and no tub birth : ( Sometime around noon my mom went and got hannah and derrek and I told the nurse I thought I was ready to push. My midwife came in and said 'ok lets try one practice push.' 19 minutes later our precious little baby girl was born  :)

After a few complications from me and some major blood loss everything was just fine and mom, Marley and daddy were together for the first time. Seeing the look of amazement and love on Bens face for his little girl still brings me to tears. We found out later that marley's cord wasn't attached where it should have been and that we were very lucky that nothing else major happened to me or to her during my pregnancy and labor.

I don't know how a year has already gone by since having our sweet baby girl. Last night as Ben and I cooked dinner and made food for the week while Marley played and laughed and talked and talked to us in her own little baby language. It was such a fun day spent together and with eachother. I don't know how I got so lucky  but I am thankful everday.