Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Potty Time !

We started thinking about potty training a few months ago. It was early but Mar seemed to be kind of sort of getting ready. So I bought a potty chair and we started indtroducing her to the idea of the whole thing. Lately she's been a lot more ready and goes in the potty a lot. She even tells us she has to go when we're out. My big girl! So today I went and bought her big girl panties. And now (sigh) I'm almost a little sad about it. How did my little peanut who I swear just yesterday was 2 months old, turn into a big girl who goes potty on her potty chair?! Now, we've had our bumbs along the way. Last night she dumped all of her toys out of one of her storage boxes and peed in that...whoops. Annnnnd she responded all night with a 'nope' every time we asked her if she had to go .... but we're getting there. Luckily she still wants to snuggle up and lay her head on my shoulder. If I lost that right now I don't know what I'd do!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wow it's been awhile

Where to begin - sometimes time goes by so quickly I can hardly keep up. Here is a dose of what we have been doing lately with some more posts to come. Halloween has come and gone and our lil peanut was the cutest sweetest little strawberry that I've ever seen. We did a hay ride the weekend before Halloween that she thought was amazing. And on Halloween night we hit up just our neighbors houses. She didn't really get it but she loved that they were giving her treats. Marley then helped hand out candy when we got home. She kept wanting the kids to come back and kept saying 'Monsters? More?' That very same night we THOUGHT we had our own monster. After we'd put Mar to bed and the lights were off to deter any more trick or treaters we heard what we thought was loud footsteps coming from upstairs. The door to Mars room creaking open had Ben running, two steps at a time, up to her room. No intruder was found. What we DID find was one Marley Lou walking out of her room and calling for daddy. Yup she'd climbed our of her crib and she did it one more time that night! Dang dare devil kids! It might have been that we were watching some scary Freddie VS Jason or something on TV but she creeped the two of us right out. In other, more daily type of news Marley is talking talking talking. She's putting more and more words together and she will repeat pretty much anything you day. Including all the bad words. She's moved out of her high chair and into a booster seat at the table that she LOVES to sit in. She's not scared of well ... anything and shows us every minute of every day. She goes down the big water slide at the Centre (in our laps of course). She practically dives into the deep end of the pool with no concern that she can't swim! And now at home she's started dunking her own head under the water as it comes out of the faucet. Needless to say she's a little water baby. Every day she amazes me and makes me smile.