Monday, December 24, 2012

Marley is 9 months old

Marley Lou turned nine months on Dec 5th. I've been meaning to do a FEW posts on here lately but have been lazy :) I figured I would do a quick Marley update with Christmas posts to follow.

Marley (as usual) is EVERYWHERE that is kid is determined and ready for the world! A few days before 9 months she took her first steps and it was all over from there. When we went to the Dr. for her well check she walked right up to the Dr when she came into the room. At her Dr's apt she was almost 18 pounds and 28 inches long. Which means she's in the 29th percentile for weight and 79th for height.

She claps and waves like crazy and looks very proud of herself while doing it. Her favorite seat is on top of our dog food container which is just the right height for her to climb up on and sit. She's discovered that when you tell her 'no' you wont really do anything about it. SO she just smiles at your nicely and keeps right on doing what she's doing :) Her smile and laugh in the morning pretty much makes my day. Typically I hear her gabbing away in her crib and when I go in to her room she waves at me from her crib and scrambles to stand up so I can go and pick her up. She says momma and dadda but we're still not totally convinced that she's actually talking about us when she does it. 

It amazes both Ben and I that one little peson could have stolen our hearts to much and that 9 months has already gone by. She is amazing and awesome and wonderful and we are so so in love :)