Saturday, October 13, 2012

Somehow my little sister has turned into the girl upbove. A full on Teenager. As teenagers go she is still pretty sweet. She listens to most of the things you say and only thinks you are stupid and so out of touch about 15% of the time. I'm hoping it stays that way. I look at her and just dont know where the time has gone. She used to pad down the hall to my room in her daiper and knock on my door to wake me up in the morning. Now she sleeps in that room and helps watch my daughter on the days that she spends with her gammie. She's funny and thoughful and say's Mmm K a lot. She acts and plays sports and wants to do all things 'girly'. She makes videos on her computer and is probably already smarter than I might ever be. How did this happen? I look at this girl above ... but I still manage to see the little girl below.
(also pictured is her bodygaurd and wonderful little brother Derrek :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

the icky sickies

OK I will admit it. Before I had Marley I kind of thought all sick kids were pretty gross. They have snotty faces and they cough without covering their mouth, it's all kind of yucky to me. In eyeing up the snotty kid, however, I never thought to look at his/her mother (or father). Probably because I was too busy making sure that their coughs were not coming my way and wondering how all that snot could come out of one very small nose. If their parents look anything like I've looked like in the last week or so though this is what I'm sure I would have seen:
-Bags under their eyes
-A possible mis matched sock or shoe either out of sheer exhaustion or any mental capability to know better.
-A desperate look in their eyes that says 'I would do ANYTHING for a nap or a full nights sleep'
-Along with that desperate looks comes a little bit of anger as if to say 'Why the Hell would anyone do this ever?'
-If they are a women, hair in the ponytail as you cannot blow dry/straighten your hair when snot is coming out of your childs nose at warp speeds.
-Kleenex coming out of every pocket.
And of course, some sort of limp. Because after getting up for the 15th time in the middle of the night it is only appropriate that you stub your toe on something.

I have not posted in awhile because we have had the icky sickies and well ... I look like the person listed above. Enough said.