Friday, March 8, 2013

Armpit air got you down?

So if you go back a few posts you'll see that I was given botox for Christmas (amazing by the way). So it's only appropriate that I received laser hair removal for my birthday. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself and made my first appointment right away. I could choose between upper lip, underarms or basic bikini.  I chose underarms with the knowledge that I would probably start lasering all my hair off if I liked it.
Saturday was the day. Yah! I went in and after a brief explanation of what would happen laid down on the table for my first laser treatment. I'd heard that it feels like a rubberband snapping your skin. And the tech did say that there are machines out there like that. BUT they have the latest and greatest and the only thing I would feel is the wand heating up. She did tell me that it can get kind of hot so if it does to just let her know. It got warm feeling but thats about it and fifteen minutes later I was done with my first session. Hopefully in two more sessions I will be hair free :)
If you are thinking about it and have the extra money, I'd say it's totally worth it.

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