Monday, March 4, 2013

Marley's birth story - one year later

Well I didn't have a blog when I had Marley and since her first birthday is tomorrow (I'm already tearing up) I thought now was as good of time as ever to remember her birth.
My midwife forwarned me that most first pregnancy's are going to be around 42 weeks rather than 40. SO with that in mind I figured our lil peanut wouldn't be coming early. And I really didn't mind. I had a great pregnancy with marley and felt really good the whole way through. Towards the end it got hard to sleep and the fact that I couldnt move without my big belly running into something got a little annoying but other than that I loved being pregnant. My due date came and went and an induction was set. We hoped hoped hoped over the weekend she'd come on her own BUT it didn't happen.

Sunday night Ben and I packed up and headed to Woodbury for a light dinner and check in at the hospital. Ben stayed till about 8 and then went on home to stay with the puppies. They were giving me cervidel (to hopefully help kick start my labor) and some sleeping meds so there really wasn't any reason for him to stay. We were assured that most new moms push for a minimum of 3 hours so even if I woke up at 9cm Ben would have plenty of time to get back to the hospital. At some point in the night the cervidel was too much for lil Marley so they took it out. And by the time I woke up the next morning and they got the pitocin started I was already dilated and things were moving right along. Soon Ben and my mom showed up and I was already 5 cm. Marley wasn't doing great with the contractions which meant a lot of monitors for me and the babes and no tub birth : ( Sometime around noon my mom went and got hannah and derrek and I told the nurse I thought I was ready to push. My midwife came in and said 'ok lets try one practice push.' 19 minutes later our precious little baby girl was born  :)

After a few complications from me and some major blood loss everything was just fine and mom, Marley and daddy were together for the first time. Seeing the look of amazement and love on Bens face for his little girl still brings me to tears. We found out later that marley's cord wasn't attached where it should have been and that we were very lucky that nothing else major happened to me or to her during my pregnancy and labor.

I don't know how a year has already gone by since having our sweet baby girl. Last night as Ben and I cooked dinner and made food for the week while Marley played and laughed and talked and talked to us in her own little baby language. It was such a fun day spent together and with eachother. I don't know how I got so lucky  but I am thankful everday.


  1. Okay this totally made me tear up! I didnt' realize they arrived that quickly after you started pushing... go super mom! She is one beautiful little girl and you guys are awesome parents, she will realize how lucky she truely is when she gets older. Can't believe it has been a year already, it goes way too fast. Are you guys having a big First Birthday Bash for her?

    1. Ha! Yes I was one lucky momma! Funny enough after my big 19 minutes I'm pretty sure I was exhausted and had no idea how anyone does it for longer! We love her so much and it's been so fun to see her grow into this amazing little person. Yup we are having a birthday party for her on Saturday with a huge two tier cake and all :)
