Saturday, April 13, 2013

My one year as a mommy

I was talking to a good friend of mine last night who just had a wonderful adorable baby boy (their first) and it got my thinking of all that I've learned in my one short year of being 'mommy.'
Here goes
*I've said it before and I'll say it again - No one could have prepared me for the new world of mommyhood. Where your whole life revolves around someone elses. It's amaizng and magical and totally sucky sometimes.
*You can prepare and prepare and prepare but until you've met that lil bundle and know his or her 'ticks' you really just are not prepared. And thats ok.
*Sometimes you need to let go of your pride and ask for help. For me, this usually involved me calling my mom and crying. hahah.
*Other women who have kids will be your new dictionary. Use them as often as you can!
*Don't let other people and their ideals and ideas of parenting dictate yours. It's ok to know whats best for your baby, after all, they are yours! Don't be afraid to stick up for your yourself.
*For me, being a mommy came with a lot of guilt. Am I doing right? Am I a bad mom for wanting time to myself? Shouldn't I ALWAYS want to be with the baby? Take time for yourself. Get some sleep, take a shower, nap and do whatever you can do when people offer their help. Having clean hair and clothes makes getting up 4 times in the middle of the night seem more tolerable.
*Not only take time for yourself, but if you have one, take time for your significant other. It's easy to get wrapped up in the baby and their needs. But you as adults and companions need to share time together as well.
*Many men will say they have a 'weak stomach' and can't imagine changing those smelly diapers. My husband has a VERY weak stomach, he's never thrown up changing a poopy diaper. Daddy's can help too! :)
*Getting up a half hour early and doing your hair and make up (even though it sounds awful to get out of bed earlier than normal) is SO much easier than getting that extra half hour of sleep and trying to get ready with a little one running around.
*Marley was not the best sleeper at first. I took solace in knowing that I'd never get those midnight cuddles back so I better try to enjoy them while I could. Looking back I'm glad I didn't push or put too much stress on her sleeping through the night. I knew she'd do it when she was ready.
*You will like your kid more than everyone elses' (don't worry).

Annnnnd I'm sure there are lots more ... and I KNOW that I have lots more to learn! Any additional adivce to new mommies out there?

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