Thursday, April 18, 2013

My bad jobs

Everyone has had a bad experience or two at their place of employment. Its just bound to happen. What struck me today as I was talking about a past job was that I've had a LOT of those experiences. Is it me? Or was it the job? Case in point:
The best job I ever had was working at our tanning salon when I was young. I tanned for free, I had it pretty darn easy being that my mom was the boss and I loved all the people interaction. EVEN at my best job ever I still dealt with people who would get naked and then try to tan with their door open. Really?! Or I'd have to politly tell the nice man who lived upstairs that he had to go home and couldn't come into the salon drunk all the time. Still pretty mild stories that I was more than willing to deal with.
THEN, however, I started a career in collections. Oh the stories I could tell. Here are some good examples of my life as a collector -
-One women telling a fellow collector that she couldn't come over and pay her bill because her windshield wipers didn't work. When my co worker responded that it was a clear, sunny, summer day and it was not raining the response back was 'oh but it could'. How do you argue with that excuse?
-Myself getting called a C+nt because a very large women thought she heard me saying that she'd lied about her payment. Not only would she not talk to me when I came up to the counter but then she called me a name!
-There was a man who was so wasted while he was trying to get a loan that when he handed me his 'business card' it was actually his library card but he couldn't tell the difference.
-Or the man who got so mad at me when I couldn't give him enough of a loan that he through a piece of paper at me, stormed out of our store and burned his tires in our parking lot for about a minute. Don't worry, he then sped out of our lot, failed to stop at a stop sign and got hit by a very large truck. We all laughed from inside our locked store.
-What about working with a total of 8 people in the store and having two of them leave at lunch and never come back? (quality workers right there)

I hated working later nights and weekends at that job ... but it provided me with a LOT of stories. hahaha.

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