Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our year in review

New Years 2011 was rang in at home, with my very pregnant and probably in bed early :)
The beginning of the year was fairly uneventful as we prepared for our first babies entrance into the world. Her room was prepared, showers were had hospital visits were made.
At last Marley Lou arrived

No one, and I mean no one could have prepared me for how much our life would change. Right now our baby is almost ten months old and since this moment just a few minutes after she was born our whole life has pretty much been about her. Thank goodness for our amazing family because without them I think I would have lost my mind. Mom - I'm talking about you here. Without me being able to call you crying, give the baby to you for a few hours to nap or just talk to you about random things that I had no idea babies would do I dont know where I would be! (probably crying still hahaha).

I'll admit that the middle of 2012 is a little bit of a blur for me. I ran on very little sleep for several months! BUT as the year wound down we've really settled into a nice routine. Marley is the most amazing baby in the whole world and I can barely remember life without her. Summer came and went and suddenly so did fall! Christmas was a whirl wind of activity with 4 christmas celebrations in 4 days with a 5th just a few days later. We were at Bens moms, Bens dads, my grandmas, my moms and then again last saturday to my moms. And again New Years came and went and I was in bed WELL before midnight :)

I'll call 2012 the year of Marley.

So excited to see what 2013 will bring.


  1. That first family picture of you guys is the sweetest thing I have ever seen! It is amazing how much a baby can change your world. Glad your 2012 was a good one, can't wait to hear what 2013 has in store!

  2. Thank you :) It's my favorite picture taken after Marley was born. Bens in tears looking at our beautiful baby girl and I think I'm just about as blissful as I'll ever be.
