Friday, September 21, 2012

The bag lady

Let me just start by saying that the pictures of moms modeling their one diaper bag are lies. Lies I tell you! Look them up once. You'll see a mom looking all sylish with diaper bag in tow, nobody seems to notice that she doesnt even have a baby near by!

mmmmhmmmm don't let this stylish mom with her one little baby bag fool you. That is NOT what motherhood looks least not for this mother. Let me tell you what I left my house with this morning. A baby in her car seat (that is beginning to feel like 50 pounds), a breast bump, a bag for the breast milk, a cooler bag of milk for Marley, my purse, the diaper bag and a giant lump of annoyance over the amount of bags that I had to carry. I'm sure I look like a crazy person waddling out of my house every morning with my 50 bags in tow. And that was after I put the bottles, diapers, milk, wipes, nuk, extra outfit, and medicine in marleys diaper bag.

I swore that I wouldn't be the mom who totally let herself go after having her child. You know the ones. They say 'as long as my baby looks cute it doesn't matter. No one is looking at me anymore.' Let me tell you, if you look like you just rolled out of bed, threw the nearest shirt on and the most ill fitting bra you could find, people are going to notice. And I will admit I turned into that person for a little while. After a hair cut, a spray tan and some new clothes though I'm starting to feel like myself again. UNTIL I try to leave the house every morning. Thats when I feel like the crazy bag lady that just can't pull herself together and may have 27 rolls of toilet paper somewhere in all those bags.

1 comment:

  1. This totally made me laugh! I have had those days were I truely wonder if I could possible carry one more thing. It gets easier... just wait until she can walk herself out to the car... or she is potty trained and you no longer need a diaper bag (which you will actually miss cause of the great extras you can carry in a diaper bag) but until then just enjoy being Crazy Bag Lady!
