Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cloth Diapers

Long before Marley was born Ben and I decided that we should look into using cloth diapers. It was a little daunting at first being that I had no clue about them. There are tons of different cloth diapers available now and if you are interested in doing it you will definitley be able to find a style to fit your family. We decided on cloth diapers for a few reasons. The main two? Disposable diapers pretty much sit in landfills forever and the amount of them going into our landfills every year is staggering. The second reason was that they are so cost effective. A typical baby will cost about 2,500 from birth to potty training in disposable diapers. Cloth diapers typically cost around 500 from birth to potty training and you can use them on mutliple children. (And they are super cute). So far it's been a success I love using cloth. We do sometimes use disposables at night because our baby is a supersoaker and I have not been able to do enough experimenting to see what types of cloth will hold her! Other than that she's in cloth all the time.
This is one of my new favorite sites from my kitchen window.
If you are thinking about cloth or have any questions about it feel free to ask. :)


  1. Love it! Good for you for using them, I kinda wish I would have given it a try! Not planning to switch now as I am hoping potty training isn't too far away for us. I have a lot of friends who are going the cloth diaper route and they said the same things... once you figure out what works for you and get the hang of washing them all the time they are great (and a huge money saver)!

  2. Everytime I mentioned that we were doing cloth to people they thought I was CRRRAAAAAZY. But it's really no big deal. I love to hear that more people are doing cloth :) I think if more people knew how easy it is they would do it.

    1. I think you are right, I was one of those people who thought you were completely nuts! Also daycare centers (and many home daycares) wont take a baby in cloth diapers which I think is pretty sad. I understand them not wanting to wash them due to time but they could still just put them in a bag and let the parents deal with washing them!!

    2. Marleys daycare and both sets of grandmas who watch her just take all the diapers, roll em up and throw them in a bag for us. Super easy. I wish more centers would be more open to it. Who knows, maybe they'll make a comeback :)
