Thursday, November 22, 2012

Today I am thankful for.

This little beauty who takes my pans out of the cupboard and then climbs in.
My husband and our puppies because even though I yell at all three of them (haha) I love them so much. I don't know how I would get through some days without Bens humor. He makes me laugh and smile so much and I'm so lucky to have a husband who can carry me through the rough times.

My mom because when I go a day without talking to her I feel like a little something is missing. Because she makes fun of me and tells me to knock it off when I'm being a brat. Because even now, at 29 years old, when she leaves to go on a trip I pretty much always cry. And because when I look at myself, Hannah and Marley I see my mom and that makes me think of my grandma and I love that we're all meshed together even though one of us is no longer here.

(I could go on and on about the rest of my family and in laws because they are all so wonderful) but we'll let it be that I'm so thankful and blessed to have the rest of my family in our life.

For that fact that even though the roof over our head is small, it's still a roof. It's still ours and underneath it is our wonderful little family. Our fridge is full of food and we're warm and safe inside. And I love that feeling.

More pictures of thanksgiving later on. I get to spend Marley's first thanksgiving with Bens family. Who I, of course, am also thankful for. They are wonderful and loud and funny and I'm so excited to see them all and share the day with them.


  1. She is too cute! Glad you guys had a great First Thanksgiving as a family of 3. Thanks for sharing the pics too. I really need to get my computer fixed so I can get back to blogging, I am falling way behind!

  2. I know! I've been stalking you on here lately hahah.
