Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No, my 8 month old doesn't sleep through the night

And no, I don't care what you think about it ...

OK it took me a LONG time to realize that my baby is just not the baby who will sleep through the night at an early age. I had hopes of nights filled with sleep by 4 weeks old. Yah right. I have used a few sleep training methods (and I use that term lightly) in the last few months and really she's sleeping from 10pm to 5 or 6am more often than not. BUT until about 7 months old she was still waking up 2 to 4 times per night. My fault? Maybe? But I've decided that I don't care. To the women who told my mother it was 'her mothers fault' that my baby wasn't sleeping through the night because she had a 6 week old who does sleep through the night. F you. Yeah F you. If you've never experienced a child who does not sleep through the night you have no idea how hard it is.  I hate to rip you off your high horse ... welll actually I kind of want to .... but it's not because you are some awesome parent that your 6 week old is sleeping that much. You just happen to be lucky.
So yes, sometimes Marley still gets up once a night. And once a night I will go in and feed her without complaint. I don't care what you think about it. And unless I ask I really don't want your opinion.

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