Monday, August 26, 2013

2 more cloth diaper reviews

I'm not shy about saying how much I have loved our choice to cloth diaper our daughter. We've had a few bumps in the road but have a pretty strong rotation of clothe diapers right now that I'm very happy with. We go between fuzzibunz elite, bumgenius 4.0 and a few Grovia all in ones. I've been pretty happy with this rotation and therefor have not really even looked at more diapers. Recently, however, I caught a sale on G diapers so I picked 2 up and then happened to be on Etsy and say a diaper that looked very well put together and was on the more inexpensive side. I thought I'd try em. G diapers - Seem to run a little small. I got a medium for my very long and lean daughter and I'm kind of wishing I would have gotten a large. Sometimes the velcro rubs on her hips a little bit. So far so good they. I like that they don't have pocket so I can just toss them in the wet bag when we're done and I like that I can use a new cloth liner if the diaper itself is not wet. My husband find the velcro easier than snaps as well. They'll go into the rotation for sure. The second diaper is from HappyBuns on etsy. It's a pocket diaper with a Charcoal bamboo insert. I've bought other diapers off of etsy before and just have not been super impressed. I did really like one of them but found that they ran small and just never bothered to buy more from that seller. This diaper, howwever, is different. I LOVE it and have already bought another cover (we have tons of inserts). We typically don't cloth diaper the babes overnight because we just have not found a good solution for it. She's leaked through everything. She stayed in this diaper until 4am (when she happened to wake up for a bottle and I just changed her then) and had no leaks at all. She could have def. stayed in it over night. I also love the leg gussets on the diaper. Because Marley has skinny little legs we sometimes have problems with her leaking out the leg because she's super active and they gap. That does not happen in this diaper. Hoping I can convince my husband that we actually do need more diapers so that I can buy more of these! haha.


  1. Love your diaper reviews... I would totally give them a try if we were going to do it all over again! I am sure it takes some adjusting but just seems like such a cheaper/better for the enviroment way to go!

    1. Well thank you :) It's different thats for sure but it's been worth it and it is way cheaper ... or it would be if I'd stop buying more diapers haha
