Thursday, November 2, 2017

Family life

Its often that I find myself on the phone with my dad talking about the things Im grateful for and the things we can so easily take for granted. I commented the other night that we have so much more than some people could ever imagine. Most importantly, for me, my kids know they are loved.  They know they have a safe warm house to come home to and that mommy and daddy love them and will take care of them. Its incredibly important to Ben and I that we raise children with family in mind. That means dinner together at night, breakfast together in the morning and probably less activities than most families participate in. We have very young children so as we get older compromises will be made and we'll be working more around schedules etc. I also work at night which means I miss a few dinners a week and ben leaves early in the am so I do brekfast. Its differant but we make it work. We make it work because being a strong family unit is important to us. And to me, a lot of being a family comes from being around a table,  eating together and sharing your day. A lot of my happiest memories come from being around a table, my family close to me and a made from scratch meal in front of me. It's where the grownups talked about life, jobs, farming and crops and us kids had our fill of mashed potatoes,  meat, veggies and desserts before running off to play. I want that for our children. And while it's probably unconventional nowadays to push for family dinners and hot breakfasts, we're trying to make that tradition our own.

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