Friday, April 3, 2015

The first six mongths

Lately I feel like I haven't had much time for anything except babies and Marley. These first six months have gone by so fast I can't believe it. Living on coffee and hope that the boys start sleeping through the night has kept me going though! A typical day goes like this:
-Marley up at 645am - snuggles and tv time in moms bed till the boys get up.
-Boys up around 730 - Breakfast, playtime, coffee time for mom.
-9am mom attempts to watch Kelly and Michael
-930 the boys take their first nap. This means quiet time for Mar. We do a project, we watch tv or we play nicely till the boys wake up.
-1030-11 the boys wake up. They eat. We clean up more, change diapers etc etc etc.
-1230 the boys go down for their second nap. Marley and I eat lunch. Clean up from lunch. Usually play play dough, build legos, do a puzzle (which Marley insists she likes but will sit for about two minutes and leaves me with the clean up). I make one more cup of coffee swearing its my last. Now that it's nice Marley will sometimes go play in our back yard while I clean up the kitchen, get a load of dishes started, fold laundry etc. If I'm feeling really tired Marley watches a show on my phone while I watch a show I have recorded.
-230 the boys wake up and we repeat the morning till Ben gets home. Sometime around 4pm I try to finish Kelly and Michael but realize that I've only made it to about 7 minutes in. I give up.

A great night is when each baby is only up once. A bad night (like last night) is when each baby is up a gazillion times and I get about two hours of sleep.

The boys are smiling, talking, reaching for us and mocking us. They smile alllll the time and are so dang sweet. Marley has been the BEST big sister I could ever ask for and I'm so lucky to have her. Because on the days that I'm majorly tired, stressed, thinking I can't keep going and wondering how the hell people do this. Marley looks at me and says that I'm the BEST mom or that she loves me. And sometimes when I'm crabby she says 'don't have that attitude with me!' hahaha. Either way she makes me smile and laugh and then the day  goes on. How lucky am I?

Last night I was packaging up clothes to donate and I looked at Ben and asked if he was SURE we were done having kids. Because I just don't know if I feel 'done'. He looked at me like I was a crazy person. haha. One or two more....maybe???.....

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Can't believe they are 6 moths already, I swear you were just telling us that you were pregnant with twins! I need to see them again soon, and you and Mar too :) Let's plan a playdate!
